A Life in Books with Chrisoula Panagoulia


Today I am joined by Chrisoula Panagoulia who is editing her first novel and busy writing her second.


Can you tell me a bit about yourself?


To begin with, I was brought up in Sydney, Australia and lived there till the age of 11. Then I was brought to Greece and have been living in Athens since 1981. I am a teacher of English and in my free time I love to read English novels. I’ve always wanted to write stories or novels but never really got into it but five years ago I gave it a go. I still haven’t published my first novel, as I am editing it and its taking me a lot of time.



1. What was you favourite book from childhood?51OOQajlK2L._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_

My favourite book was (I’ve still got it in my bookcase) The Dennis Bones Mystery Book by Jim and Mary Razzi. I loved this book because of the simple way it was written and because it compelled me to find the solution to the ‘crime’.


2. What type of books did you read as a teenager?

As a teenager I read Greek romance books ( the Arlekins as we call them here in Greece). The reason for that was because I wanted to identify with the heroines and feel loved, something which I desperately needed in my future life. (Don’t ask me if I found it…)


3. When you were at school what was your favourite book you studied?

There are no such classes here in Greece!!!


418uOZKwBSL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_4. What is your favourite classic book?

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens because the plot was fast-paced.




5. What would you consider to be one of the best books you have had over the last 5 years?

The Island by Victoria Hislop. She knows how to get you involved in the story.


6. What book to you think you should read but never get round to?51Z0nLAfLmL

The Alchemist by Paolo Coelo. I’ve read Brida by the same author and found it incomprehensible so because I am biased I refuse/hesitate to read The Alchemist.


7. What do you consider to be your favourite book ?

Three Amazing Things About You by Jill Mansell. The way she gets you hooked into the story is an asset for an author I believe. Though I haven’t read all of her books the ones that I have read are really captivating.


8. Is there a book that you have started but been unable to finish?

No. Never. Though I have read a couple of books which were really ‘awful’ and ‘incomprehensible’ I carried on reading them because I wanted to see where the author was getting, and whether I would get hooked at least after half of the book. But I never got hooked and the story dragged and dragged and dragged on…


51DkRjnhXhL._SX303_BO1,204,203,200_9. If you were stranded on a desert Island which 2 books would you want to have with you
Definitely An offer you cant refuse by Jill Mansell and The Sunrise by Victoria Hislop


10. Kindle or Book? BOOK. BOOK. BOOK. Only books!
















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