A Life in Books with David McCaffrey



Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

My name is David McCaffrey and I’m a 41 year old Infection Prevention and Control Lead Nurse, husband to a murdered wife, father to a murdered son and I shall have my revenge in this life or…oh, hang on, that’s Gladiator.

The IPC part is correct, I have a Jake, a Liam, a Kelly and an Obi (he’s the dog). I have been an author since November 2014 when my first novel was published, but it was a dream I had held all my life.

I’m also a huge geek, play the piano, love reading, knew martial arts once upon a time (too old now to remember most of it!) and once attended Danni Minogue’s 21st birthday party.



1. What was you favourite book from childhood?

I would have to say The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. There was just something 51XJtkp3ALL._SY346_magical about being able to enter a regular, household object and be transported to another land. I still try it in Ikea now.


2. What type of books did you read as a teenager?

Mostly science fiction, the occasional horror book that was perhaps a little to adult for me (IT traumatised me as I’m sure it did most). I’ve always loved reading and find it sad nowadays she so many people say they don’t have any books in their house.


3. When you were at school what was your favourite book you studied?

Kes by Barry Hines. I think most teenagers studied that book. He had such a beautiful way with words establishing the relationship between a child and the kestrel and using it as an analogy for the challenges faced in life.



4. What is your favourite classic book?

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Moving, poignant, endlessly quotable and perhaps the greatest beginning and ending lines to a book ever.



5. What would you consider to be one of the best books you have had over the last 5 years?

Meg by my mentor and friend, Steve Alten, I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes and Dear Reflection by Jessica Bell. Meg because it’s about a giant prehistoric shark eating people, I Am Pilgrim because it is an exceptional espionage thriller ala 24 and Dear Reflection because it’s an emotional, personal and moving journey through the life of an extremely talented author, musician and master of many other things whom I have the fortune to have met and know.


6. What book to you think you should read but never get round to?

Probably Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy. I’ve seen the Alec Guinness version and the Gary Oldman remake (both exceptional), but never got around to reading the book. Now you’ve put the idea in my head, I might just download it now!


7. What do you consider to be your favourite book?51WTHSd9znL

Of all time? It has to be the aforementioned A Tale of Two Cities. That and Atonement by Ian McEwan.


8. Is there a book that you have started but been unable to finish?

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I started it and just couldn’t get into it at all. In fact, I found it a little boring. But someone told me to perservere with it, so I started it again a few months later and they were right. I ended up reading the entire trilogy. Excellent thrillers with a character in Lisbeth Salander you wish as an author you had created.


61okiEr8kTL9. If you were stranded on a desert Island which 2 books would you want to have with you?

Probably The Firm by John Grisham and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. One is an excellent thriller and the other is a truly moving and still unequaled tale of the repercussions of mankinds interference with the laws of nature.



10. Kindle or Book?

Book, every day of the week and twice on Sunday’s! I love the fact you can take ten books on holiday with you on one, small device, but you will never be able to replace the smell and feel of a good paperback!


David McCaffrey’s books are available to buy now.



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