Contact Details and Review Policy

Contact Details

If you would like to contact me about a review please email me.  You can also follow my blog on the social media sites below.


Facebook Page:  Bookliterati Book Reviews

Twitter: @bookliterat

Instagram: bookliterati_juliet_butler

Tumblr: Bookliterati Book Reviews

Google + Juliet Butler

 Linkedin: Juliet Butler

Review Policy

All opinions in my blog are my own and given honestly.  I always try to be constructive in my reviews.

I reserve the right to turn down books if I don’t think they are for me.  Please do not take this personally.

If you email me with a request for a review and I don’t reply within 48 hours it means that unfortunately I won’t be able to review your book.

My reviews are all shared on my Social Media Accounts, Amazon Uk, Waterstones, Netgalley if appropriate and between ten and fifteen Facebook Book Groups depending on genre.

My favourite genres are;

Historical Fiction

Contemporary Fiction




Literary Fiction

Magical realism/Fantasy

Non-Fiction mainly history and art related









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