Blogger Recognition Award(February ’17)


I would like to say a huge thank you to Jacqueline Leech at and Lauren Watkins at for nominating me for this award.  Please check out their blogs.  I am so excited to have been nominated especially as you all know I am fairly new to the blogging scene.


I started this blog last May to give me a purpose in life.  I have had Spondylosis for over ten years which has left me unable to work and near enough housebound.  Books have been my saviour  during this time, I can escape from the pain for a while,  I can’t read everyday but  try to read was often as I can.  The blog was the next progression and I have loved sharing my book reviews with everyone.  I never started out to get a lot of followers or recognition, I just did it for me, to give me a bit of structure. I love peoples passion for books and that they share this with others.  Thank you to all who have followed me and become my Facebook friends.

It feels strange giving advice to new bloggers when I still feel I am still a beginner but the one thing I have learned is that it is Ok to say no.  At first I said yes to every blog tour and found that I was getting swamped.  It is the same with NetGalley, don’t request too many books at once.  Most of all enjoy it, and join Facebook groups for bloggers and readers as you will meet a lot of likeminded people and get a lot of help and support.

Here are the fifteen bloggers that I nominate for this award.

1.  Jacqueline Leech

2. Lauren Watkins

3. Kelley Lacey

4.  Janet Lambert

5. Mairead O Driscoll Hearne

6. Joanne Robertson

7.  Tracy Fenton

8.  Jill Stratton

9.  Jessica Page Johnson

10. Chelsea Humphrey

11.  Linda Hill

12.  Emma Welton

13.  Anne Carter http://randomthingsthroughmyletterbox

14.  Karen Cocking

15. Sue Hampson


Being nominated means I have to oblige to certain rules.

1.  Thank the blogger who nominated me

2.  Write a post to show your award

3.  Give a brief story of how you started your blog

4.  Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers

5.  Select 15 bloggers you want to give this award to

6.  Let your 15 bloggers know you have nominated them with a link to the post you have created.


3 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award(February ’17)

  1. Jessica's Reading Room February 13, 2017 — 4:46 pm

    Thank you for the nomination!

  2. Thank you so much for this award. xxx

  3. Huge congratulations and thank you so much for the nomination x

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