The Infernal Devices Trilogy (Shadowhunters Series) by Cassandra Clare.

Book Blurb

Something terrifying is waiting for Tessa Gray in London’s Downworld, where vampires, warlocks and other supernatural folk stalk the gaslit streets. Tessa seeks refuge with the Shadowhunters, a band of warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons. Tessa finds herself fascinated by – and torn between – two best friends…

My Review

The Infernal Devices combine Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince and Clockwork Princess, the prequels to Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series. I have decided to review these three books together as they all carry on from each other seamlessly, telling one story.

The Infernal Devices trilogy is set in Victorian London rather than New York like her previous books. I really couldn’t think of a better setting for these books, the fog and mist of London of that period, a sense of gothic and darkness and the unknown. This feeds brilliantly the idea of ‘other creatures’ referred to as Downloaders living amongst the humans they call mundanes; the vampires, fae, warlocks, lycanthropes and demons.

Into this darkness comes the innocent Tessa, thinking she is visiting her brother only to find herself kidnapped by demons and being the intended bride for the nefarious Magister. I loved that Tess was a lover of books, something that draws her to the charming shadowhunter Will. Whereas Will has a darkness about him, there is something Tessa can’t reach. This opens up a love triangle with Jem, he is more delicate than Will, with his silver hair and eyes and more like an open book. I loved following this triangle, the will they won’t they and the frustration as a reader for Will to sort himself out.

Cassandra Clare is a masterful storyteller, both in plot and character development. These books are classed as Young Adults, (although as an older reader I have adored these books), and Cassandra Clare makes her characters relatable; Tessa, Will and Jem are all around seventeen, dealing with first love, self esteem issues and finding out who they are. The writing of these books is hypnotic, once started I was unable to put them down, finishing one and having to then read the next. Her attention to detail, slow drip plot and tension is wonderful.

Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunters Series is huge at seventeen books and a couple of spin offs. Whilst the Mortal Instruments is the primary series, but The Infernal Devices can be read independently as it is set in a different historical period and has different characters.

I have become a huge fan of this series, the characters and their stories, the mix of romance, adventure and coming of age. The fantasy aspect makes for an eclectic mix of characters, their personalities, relationships and lifestyles. I really can’t recommend The Infernal Devices highly enough, they are pure escapism and a joy to read.

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